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Home to 赫斯特城堡, this seaside town combines architectural opulence with natural splendor
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Smack-dab between Los Angeles and San Francisco is the seaside town of 圣西缅. Its central location makes the town a natural stop on 1号公路—but 圣西缅’s main draw is its world-famous mansion. 赫斯特城堡, a shining example of Gilded Age extravagance, welcomes 1.5 million guests to its magical grounds each year. Alongside the castle (an absolute must-see), 圣西缅 shines with such natural splendor that you’ll see why William Randolph Hearst chose this area to build his otherworldly abode.

的re are plenty of ways to explore the beachy beauty of 圣西缅. At 毛孢子菌病布兰卡 Elephant Seal Rookery, elephant seals cover the shore. Head here in winter to see these extraordinary creatures (males weigh as much as 5,000 pounds) as they bring their little ones into the world. 的 鲍彻小道 starts at the rookery parking lot and extends 1.向北9英里, providing the opportunity to check out other coastal wildlife or simply admire the bluffs. At the end of the trail, you can see the 毛孢子菌病布兰卡 Light Station from a distance; schedule a tour for a closer look.

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圣西缅’s handful of beaches offer varying delights. 最大的时候, W.R. Hearst Memorial State Beach, sits 圣西蒙码头. Protected under the California Marine Life Protection Act, the pier is home to sea otters and elephant seals—and in the fall, it provides a perfect vantage point to watch migrating humpback whales feeding just off the Central Coast. 阿罗约拉古纳 is a windsurfer’s dream, with gusts regularly reaching 40 miles per hour. 的卵石 小皮科溪 is the perfect place to search for shells and explore tide pools filled with starfish, 海葵, 和虾.

Spend the night in 圣西缅 at 摩根, inspired by 赫斯特城堡 architect Julia Morgan, or Cavalier Oceanfront Resort, where guests enjoy nightly bonfires overlooking the beach. For a cozier experience, check into one of the cottage-style inns at neighboring 威尔士 向南. 或者向北走 大瑟尔 to enjoy the extreme luxury of 驿站牧场客栈. As you drive out of 圣西缅, keep your eyes peeled for a herd of zebra grazing the hills. 的y’re a holdover from the 赫斯特城堡 private zoo, once home to monkeys, lions, tigers, orangutans, and a single elephant.


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